Quickie – Embrace the freedom of being a beginner, again & again – Ep055

The ego likes to “know”, to be seen as having things all figured out. And it can prevent you from experiencing the freedom of being a beginner. When you quiet the fearful ego and allow yourself to enjoy new experiences, you’ll feel more alive.

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In this episode:
Men often take on so much pressure to perform that they forget how much fun it can be to learn new things. It takes a lot of energy to keep up the pace of being the expert day after day. And it can also become boring to hold that position without an infusion of fresh energy. Vitality comes with the courage to quiet the ego, that inner voice that pushes you to worry what others will think, whether you’ll look or feel stupid, or fail at a new endeavor. Being a beginner means you will most likely fall down…and then you can laugh about it. You can feel the joy of the challenge to become better. And laugh some more! Don’t let your ego cause you to miss out on the joy of being a beginner.

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