Gloria Newton: Artist – Conversation – Ep014

The Naked Vibes Show features conversations with musicians, artists & healers to ignite your creative genius & elevate you in your spiritual growth.

Gloria Newton, artistThis episode features juried artist, Gloria Newton, from a conversation in her Nashville studio. This audio was taken from the Naked Vibes TV episode where Gloria joined me to show her art & talk about the creative process, the fact that it’s never too late to dive in to your creativity, & more.

Enjoy the show on NAKED VIBES TV:

SHOW NOTES (times are for audio podcast)
2:10 – Gloria Newton, artist, says she got started late in the game. Julia Cameron, in The Artist’s Way, talked about how she’d still be the same age in ten years, but wouldn’t know how to play the piano, so it’s right to get started at any age.

3:05 – Gloria explains how the “unknown” is what keeps her going in her creative work.

3:45 – Most people fear the unknown. Gloria did at one time, but her art has taken her beyond it. She talks about what shuts us all down & the revelation of what breaks us free.

4:38 – Where do the ideas come from?

5:37 – The key to making anything work. It’s all about the foundation.

6:30 – The creative process itself brings freedom. The project reveals its self when we just do the job of putting the elements down.

7:29 – Is there really destruction – or is it just another beginning?

8:01 – Fear of death – fear of killing off our creations (our lives). Moving through it takes us to bold new levels.

11:30 – As an abstract painter, Gloria feels like she often goes into a Zen-like state, a place of none-thinking, during her sessions. Other times, she can’t get there. The process can be hard, but she keeps at it because she doesn’t know where she would be without it.

12:29 – The promise of new ideas emerging on their own – things she could never have thought of unless she was in the process – compels Gloria to keep going when it gets hard.

12:51 – Gloria studied art history & was influenced by Helen Frankenthaler, Paul Klee, Pollack, Gorky.

13:51 – We’re inspired by what goes in, so it comes out in new ways. It’s a total life. All of our experiences are valuable, more fluid than we realize.

14:47 – Gloria doesn’t like to put a finite definition on her work, but abstract towards non-objective probably comes the closest. It comes from an emotional place.

15:12 – Labels – we use them in order to communicate, but we’re all richer & more complex than that.

15:52 – Gloria’s paintings have been in juried shows: Huntsville Museum, Parthenon, Columbia State solo show. You can see the video from the Columbia show here. (soon to come)

16:29 – Gloria’s two-sided works – you can walk around them. Painted on wood panel & suspended from ceilings or mounted on bases – sometimes rotating on a ball bearing. Her husband, Wood Newton, builds her frames, which are also a work of art.

18:41 – The use & blending of color is one of Gloria’s finest talents & skills. Her favorite medium is acrylic & she uses all kinds of tools & techniques to bring depth & curiosity to her work, such as the placement of objects, wire, & windows that reveal secondary paintings within the primary piece.

19:23 – It seems many artists have particular mediums that work better for them than others – mediums that flow better as extensions of their bodies, even.

21:03 – A little hidden key in one of Gloria’s paintings brings a squeal of delight from moi!

23:43 – Collective consciousness – does art want to be born through us, therefore coming through the artist most receptive at the time & with the skills to manifest it?

24:19 – A new technique is born through the accidental puncturing of one of Gloria’s paintings.

27:07 – The piece that feels like it comes from a spiritual place for Gloria.

28:07 – Gloria likes to watch tennis while she paints. She’s inspired by her favorite player, Rafael Nadal, & I imagine he’d be inspired by her work as well! It’s interesting that at the time of this podcast release, Nadal has just won the U.S. open on Gloria’s birthday. Seems there’s a universal connection here.

29:10 – There are so many ways to express yourself. Gloria is proof of that in the many different expressions that come alive in her work.

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This episode was recorded on Gloria’s 42nd Anniversary to husband, Wood Newton. Don’t miss the conversation & live music from Wood on Episode 12 of The Naked Vibes Show.

• The Naked Vibes Show is sponsored by RockItU – Get a Free Video to help you hone your intuitive skills for practical use in everyday life.

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