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Welcome to Season 3 of The Naked Vibes Show!
:50 – Seeking to know yourself, sleuthing unmet desires, and tapping into your highest Self should always be a fresh experience. I read a morning devotional that contains works written in the 1800’s and 1920’s and the authors’ experiences still ring true today. The works we create now can inform others throughout the ages, if we seek to share truth, higher knowledge, and comfort. Along with good humor and provocative works of art!
2:30 – If you allow grief and loss to work in you, to inform you about who you have been in relation to those loved ones or circumstances that have passed, it will help you move into the future of who you are becoming.
3:00 – Everything and everyone in the whole world has shifted. We’re going through all kinds of changes and it helps to realize we’re doing it together. No one is alone in the experience.
3:25 – I’m inspired to rev up the Naked Vibes Show again because Podcast Movement is happening next week & I’m excited to be a part of that mix. There will be so many people there who put out a lot of energy to help others move the needle towards more success & fulfillment in their lives, and we can all learn from each other.
4:10 – Todd Cochrane, CEO of Blubrry, interviewed me on Podcast Insider. That conversation was also part of the inspiration for me to go ahead & dive into my next season now. You can hear that interview here. You’ll find it at 16:18 in that show.
5:46 – The Naked Vibes Show has two different types of episodes: Artist Conversations and Live Music to inspire and entertain you. And the Tune Your Vibes episodes, which provide you with tools for living an amazing life. I’m a Certified High Performance Coach and a Remo Drums HealthRHYTHMS facilitator and I’ve got plenty of ways to help you get a lot more satisfaction and joy from life.

7:00 – It would be helpful for you to let me know what you want most. What are your greatest needs right now? What are you struggling with? The more I know, the more I can address it specifically. Email me: info@ nakedvibes .com. (No spaces. Just hoping that will cut down on spam 🙄)
7:30 – I’m working on a way to engage in more group conversation, as opposed to just one-way delivery of inspiration. It’s a private group called REALMen Rock! designed for successful, creative men to come together for inspiration, for finding comrades to walk the sometimes treacherous journey of life and bring as much joy to it as possible. I’ll share tools for learning new ways to reduce stress, to flow around the obstacles you face, to communicate better with your spouse or partner and have much greater intimacy, to be a better dad, to move through creative blocks… So, yeah, we’ll be talking about body, mind, and spirit – learning how to tap into your highest levels of Energy in areas of sexuality, spirituality, health, & leadership.
Unlike a Facebook group where you’re distracted with ads and not really sure if it’s secure, this is a proprietary platform created just for this private group because safety and privacy are a must. You’ll be able to connect with each other, including through video if you like. You’ll be able to share with me the kinds of issues that are most pressing for you in the moment and I can address those. I’ll be able to bring in guest experts to really tap into what you need most.
You know there will be MUSIC – always gotta have music! If this interests you, sign up for news here on the site. My subscribers will be the first to know when the doors open to REALMen Rock!
Oh…AND we’ll have a specific, private space for entertainment business professionals to connect as well.
11:15 – I’ve been recording new music as The REALM and I’m super excited for you to hear it! I just finished a song I wrote called “Dark Sky”. I’d been working on it prior to my daughter’s passing and when that happened, everything shut down and I went into a season of hibernation, grief, and caregiving for my dad…then more grief with his passing. During the last year, as I’ve opened back up to life a bit, one of the things that was calling to me was the music. So, I decided to open up those recording sessions and was surprised to find that my guitar player, Brian Miller, and I had recorded way more than either of us remembered. I got with my friend and producer, Bobby Hoke, to pick up where we had left off, and with Mike Daane to lay down some killer fretless bass. I haven’t released it yet, so I’ll just play you a short sample here.
13:08 – SONG: “Dark Sky” – The REALM – words & music by KB Cain ©2022 Rhythmic Hips Music
14:15 – The power of music can’t be measured or put into words. It brings a feeling of gratitude for the pleasure of working with great musicians and for taking a creative spark and making it tangible. Doing the work was a joyful process. It was like firing up rusty spark plugs – cleaning ‘em up & revving the engine on a badass sports car. As we worked on the tracks, I could feel the music making contact with my soul, reminding me of who I am and what I’m here to do in the world. Music does something to us on a cellular level. It’s that powerful.
16:00 – There are so many things in life – from huge life-altering events and grief to the daily mundane tasks and nuisances that can be soul-sucking if we allow it. We have to be diligent about remaining true to who we are, to playing with our creative tools, to stretching our boundaries beyond what we think we’re capable of or have the energy to do.
17:00 – A quick exercise to check in with yourself – to learn about unmet desires that are percolating below the surface of your consciousness. This is a powerful tool to get you feeling more comfortable in your own skin, so you can show up to your relationships, your work, and your life more powerfully.
19:51 – Short, fun, and FREE! Download my Instant Ignition E-book. It will take you into the next steps on dealing with these unmet desires. It will awaken your passion for feeling into and living your life from the unique perspective that is YOU. We bypass so much of who we are and what we have to offer in favor of catering to the world’s demands that we can completely forget our deepest, most thrilling desires. I want to help awaken that part of you because it provides clues to getting the most out of life. We’re here for a short time. Let’s make it count.
**** If you’ve enjoyed this podcast or gained insights that are helpful to you, please subscribe, give me some stars and leave a comment on Apple Podcasts! This is how others will discover the Naked Vibes Show and I can keep it rollin’.